Category Archives: Food and Mood

Build a Body Image Shield


If you live in today’s world, there is a good chance that you feel insecure about your body.  Every day, we are exposed to hundreds of digitally-enhanced images of unattainably perfect bodies.  Without realizing it, we compare ourselves to these images, and take in the message that our bodies are not good enough.  However, it is possible to respect and appreciate your unique body.  The secret is to protect yourself from society’s damaging messages by building a Body Image Shield.  Here’s how… Continue reading

Pursue Pleasure to Improve Health

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Do you really need to kill yourself to save your life?  You might think so, if you look at the way some health fanatics strictly follow their diet or exercise plans.  However, not-so-novel research suggests that being healthy is much easier and more fun than we’ve made it out to be.  In Healthy Pleasures, an old but timeless book, authors Robert Ornstein, PhD and Davis Sobel, MD identify life’s simple pleasures and describe the proven ways they contribute to health and well-being.   Continue reading